Support Class DH-8 Rep Droid
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The DH-8 Support Class Rep Droid Alpha Fleet is a premium solution offering from DreamHost* that directly addresses the needs of the modern website. Technology has come along rapidly and, with the advent of the fully self-aware website, there is a need for a full suite of services available to them at any time.
DreamHost recognised this gaping hole in the standard service offering and filled it. The DH-8 Support Class Rep Droid Fleet is the result of months of focus groups and live testing. Websites can now run diagnostics, upgrades, self repairs – even a complete overhaul – completely autonomously. Sites are able to contact the DH-8 portal at DreamHost live support themselves, without any human assistance, and get things done.
In fact, your website won’t need you at all. After a One Click install, the rest does itself entirely! Your site will call into the DH-8 network and, after a vigorous triple-encryption test, begin a life-long relationship with its own personal DH-8 Droid.
With the DH-8 Fleet system, there are no support wait times for your website. There is no longer a need for arduous Q&A between humans. Everything fixes itself while you sleep.
Finally, with the introduction of the DH-8 BlogBot Module, you won’t even need to write content any more. All you need is an idea – the rest just happens.
The future is now.
* This is not a real service provided by DreamHost. Computers and websites need humans. We are not obsolete.
Disclaimer – this is entirely a work of fiction. Thank you to DreamHost for recently featuring scribblegraph in its Customer Spotlight section =)