scribblegraph Bookmarks s1
Free downloadable scribblegraph bookmarks for people who read books (and won’t remember where they were up to).

My day and other things
I spent the day yesterday spring cleaning my little office and drawing space. I have a lot of books and never enough bookmarks. As a result, all my books are dog-eared and tatty. So I decided a good use of my time this morning was to make my own bookmarks. And then I thought to myself… I wonder if other people would like them? And then I realised most people do their reading on a Kindle. Well, I found a solution to that and decided to get on with the job. So here you are; if reading’s your thing, you can download this file for free, print it, snip along the lines and hey presto: bookmark.
Download now. It’s a PDF file, and you’ll have to print them & cut them out yourself (carefully). Feel free to print a few and pass them around at your local sandwich bar, coffee house, workplace or hair salon.
If you are one of those wonderful people that think to yourself “artists deserve support!” and would like to leave a donation; you are wonderful, you are cherished and you can do so here.
How else can you support me? Share this post on social media, leave a comment here on the site, shove bookmarks in your neighbour’s letterbox, print a pocketful of them and leave them at cafes & bookshops. Hey, you could even share a photo of you using the bookmark on social media and tag it with #scribblegraphBM and I’ll share it! Wonderful <3
Frequently Asked Questions:
What are these bookmarks compatible with?
Sally E Wilton
Thanks Sally, great question. This first series of bookmarks have been designed with a wide range of printed word compendiums (or: “books”) in mind. You can use them with fantasy novels, science fiction, cook books, biographies… and they are even backwards compatible with encyclopedias.
Oh. I read all my stuff on a Kindle.
Sally E Wilton
Well, Sally – you’re in luck! This digital download (which is FREE, by the way): it’s digital. Just like your Kindle. That means you don’t need to print it and cut them out or anything. You literally just download it and it’s already a digital file… 100% fully compatible with all digital eReaders: Kindle, Kobo, Nook, iPads.. you name it. Isn’t the digital age marvellous.
This printing & cutting business sounds terrible.
Sally E Wilton
Sally, I think that’s enough questions from you. You’re really depressing me and I think your approach to life needs an adjustment. However, I do have a solution for you. Just email the downloaded file to your closest kindergarten and tell the teacher it’s a project for the kids. They will have special safety scissors and be able to do all this “terrible” business for you. And they’re only 3 years old.
WAIT, Sally, I thought you were using these on your Kindle? What are you even still here for.
Do these works with comic books?
Staan Lee
Mr Lee! Oh my goodness! Legendary master of the Marvel universe, creator of the X-Men, Spiderman, The Incredible Hulk… YES! Yes they work with comic books. I specifically designed them for use with everything you do. I’ll print and cut yours out and post them to you Stan, you don’t do a thing. you might injure yourself and then where would we all be.
Wait… What? I’m not him. It’s Staan. Staan Lee, your neighbour. I’m Sally’s husband. You knocked on our door and spoke with my wife and asked us to prepare some silly Q&A stuff for your website. And the guy you are thinking of… I think he died in 2018. What are you on?
Staan Lee
I’m not “on” anything. You have a deceptive name and it’s spelt with only one “A” in your email signature. How about you sort that out, you twit. In fact, Staan, you and your horrible wife are completely off my Christmas card list. May your lives be eternally bookless, your marriage fruitless and all your sandwiches filled with sub-standard meats. I’m going to shove so many bookmarks in your letterbox the postman won’t be able to get your bills in and all your services will get disconnected and… I hate you Staan.
Book Publishers these bookmarks are compatible with: Allen and Unwin Ventura Press Thames & Hudson AUS Hachette AUS (and many others). To be honest, any publisher that prints books on paper, be they tome or little more than a pamphlet… it’s going to be compatible. let me know if you identify any non-compatibility issues in the comments.