Making a love connection

Hoping to make a connection in a world utterly saturated with all-that-glitters seems a desperately futile task. Our attention span is becoming increasingly narrow, and the sheer amount of awesome required to truly impress people is, quite frankly, ridiculous. I pretty much entirely blame that stupid cinnamon challenge fad, but it’s a debate for another place and time. All I know is that finding someone wonderful to truly connect with is not impossible.
…Oh, a really great way to tell someone they’re super wonderful is to put them in this t-shirt. I highly recommend taking a laundry marker and writing a love-note to them on the back, then wrap it up in cellophane & send it in a box filled with those brightly coloured rubber bouncy balls kids get in vending machines. I bet that will get their attention (it worked for Sony). If that seems too much (but really – consider it – it’s inspired!) – you could send them a card or cover their fish tank with stickers.
As a silly little added bonus – if you do happen purchase this scribble on something via the RedBubble store, leave some feedback here and I’ll send you the PC wallpaper version! (You will need to be logged into scribblegraph to download it). Then your PC will feel all loved and it’s really seriously important to ensure your electrical goods aren’t forgotten on Valentine’s Day. Seriously. Zzzzzzap.
Here’s the stuff! (Hey, they’re links. Click them to go shopping!)