scribblegraph Bookmarks s1

Free downloadable scribblegraph bookmarks (series 1) for people who read books
Free downloadable scribblegraph bookmarks (series 1) for people who read books
I don’t know how I hadn’t shared this old watercolour scribble; it’s a fun little tribute to Wes Craven & lover-punkins’ everywhere.
“Sea Hare” 15x40cm “The Sea-Hare” – an exercise in dimensions and deep sea exploration. 15x40cm on Arches cotton. This idea came to …
Inherent to the human condition is the inability to predetermine whom we will fall stupidly in love with. Us sapiens have written tome upon tome on the subjects of romance, dating, life companionship, compatibility, marriage, surviving divorce, finding someone new, how to choose authentic French linen in a world full of convincingly well-crafted knock-offs… and none of it gets anyone any closer to having an answer.
Hoping to make a connection in a world utterly saturated with all-that-glitters seems a desperately futile task. Our attention span is becoming increasingly narrow, and the sheer amount of awesome required to truly impress people is, quite frankly, ridiculous. But this might get their attention.