scribblegraph Bookmarks s1

Free downloadable scribblegraph bookmarks (series 1) for people who read books
free downloads from scribblegraph.
Free downloadable scribblegraph bookmarks (series 1) for people who read books
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Today is one of those days where I should be drawing many other things, but when I took the cap off the pen, nothing I wanted to to draw came out. Just other things. Bunny and Butterfly isn’t anything I meant to draw. These things happen.
Normally these would be filed away under Members Only Downloads – however, I’m well sleepy after a stupendously gluttonous birthday feast, and I’m still not in my right mind. So, I’ve decided to just give these away to anyone & everyone who wants them.
All I want for Christmas is to sent you this snowball. At velocity.
‘crash’ was one of my first scribbles. It is a self portrait, drawn on terrible paper with a terrible pen